Top Page Fukuoka City Hakata Ward

fabbit hakataekimae


fabbit hakataekimae



Hakataminami Line|Kagoshima Main Line|Kagoshima Main Line|Fukuhokuyutaka Line|Airport Line (Fukuoka City Subway)|Nanakuma Line (Fukuoka City Subway) Hakata Station walk from 2minutes
Airport Line (Fukuoka City Subway) Gion Station walk from 7minutes

Recommended Capacity

Less Than 5 People |


Section List

Private Room

Monthly Fee

Estimates Required

Recommended Capacity

Less Than 5 People

Private Room

Monthly Fee

Estimates Required

Recommended Capacity

5 to 10 People

Virtual Office
virtual office

Monthly Fee

10,000JPY (Tax Included 11,000JPY)

Recommended Capacity

Less Than 5 People | 1 People

Free Space
free desk

Monthly Fee

18,000JPY (Tax Included 19,800JPY)

Recommended Capacity

Less Than 5 People | 1 People

Private Room
Private room for 2

Monthly Fee

104,000JPY (Tax Included 114,400JPY)

Recommended Capacity

Less Than 5 People | 2 People

Private Room
Private room for 3

Monthly Fee

156,000JPY (Tax Included 171,600JPY)

Recommended Capacity

Less Than 5 People | 3 People

Private Room
Private room for 4

Monthly Fee

200,000JPY (Tax Included 220,000JPY)

Recommended Capacity

Less Than 5 People | 4 People

Private Room
Private room for 5

Monthly Fee

200,000JPY (Tax Included 220,000JPY)

Recommended Capacity

Less Than 5 People | 5 People



Hakataminami Line|Kagoshima Main Line|Kagoshima Main Line|Fukuhokuyutaka Line|Airport Line (Fukuoka City Subway)|Nanakuma Line (Fukuoka City Subway) Hakata Station walk from 2minutes
Airport Line (Fukuoka City Subway) Gion Station walk from 7minutes

Facilities Information

Completion Date




Total Initial Cost

Please Inquire.

Amenities Information

Meeting Room

Charged Meeting Room

Phone Booth

Phone Booth

Shared Lounge

Shared Lounge

Staffed Reception

Staffed Reception

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